Dog walking and care in Melbourne

Dog Sitting

Dog Sitting


-Dog Sitting-

Our overnight stays are in place when you have that emergency trip, or simply want a getaway with a loved one. They will generally happen at your place or can happen at ours for a small extra fee.

Our stays run from roughly 5pm to 11am the next day, and includes; 2 park plays, feeding of dinner and breakfast, and all dog activities in between. On occasion, cafe visits or beach plays are an occurence.

Our dog sitting service operates on a quote basis, as we take things such as: age of dog, level of care, level of training, amongst other things, into consideration. We also only take on dogs who are social.

Due to the demand of our dog sitting service, we kindly ask you put your requests in as far in advance as possible. From there, free dates provided, we have a mandatory meet and greet, with you and your dog, before taking on your dog.